Public Safety

Public Safety

The Village of Barrington Hills has a top-notch police department that protects all citizens through vigilant patrol and enforcement of traffic and criminal laws, and also helps to preserve and protect your constitutional rights.
For Police Dispatch, dial QuadCom 847-428-8784. For Police Administration, dial 847-551-3006.


Since 2004, the Barrington Hills Police has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Our police department is one of only 45 municipal law enforcement agencies accredited in Illinois.   The Department is also the only accredited police agency in the Barrington Area Council of Governments and was the first in the McHenry County Council of Governments to achieve accreditation.

BHPD Dispatch

In 2015, Barrington Hills became a member of the QuadCom 9-1-1 Public Safety Communications System. Cellular and landline 9-1-1 emergency voice calls originating from Barrington Hills are answered by QuadCom emergency communications operators. In addition to voice 9-1-1 service, QuadCom is capable of receiving text-to-911 calls from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon customers living in or traveling through the QuadCom service area, which includes the Village of Barrington Hills.

Home Watch

Keeping Your Home Secure While You’re Away.

One of the many benefits of living in Barrington Hills is the relationship between our Police Department and its citizens. In addition to providing the kinds of services you would expect, the Barrington Hills Police department also provides residents with House Watch Services when you’re away, whether it’s a family vacation or business trip. 

Citizens can notify the Barrington Hills Police Department that they will be away from home by requesting a house watch. Doing so alerts patrol officers to your home’s unoccupied status so that they may conduct periodic checks of the perimeter and verify that there is nothing unusual occurring on or about your premises.

Checks are performed as manpower, call volume, and time constraints permit. This program is meant to enhance existing security measures a resident should have in place, such as an alarm system. 

Residents should submit their request a minimum of two business days before they leave.  

Request a House Watch.


Community Alert Notification

The Village and the Police Department may periodically provide time-sensitive messages to residents who have entered their contact information (telephone numbers and email addresses) into the notification database. Alerts can be sent out in cases of severe weather, hazardous traffic and road conditions and other situations that may impact the safety, property, and welfare of our residents. To register your information or make changes, please visit the Resident’s Portal.