Barrington 220 CUSD Community Meetings & Online Video Series

  • Posted by Barrington Hills
  • On May 5, 2018

District 220 LogoThe Barrington 220 Board of Education invites the Barrington area community to three meetings in May to discuss how the Blueprint 220 master-facilities initiative could impact YOUR student’s future, YOUR property taxes and YOUR community. All three meetings will have the same agenda. Refreshments will be served at all meetings.

Sat. May 12: 9am, BHS Guidance Resource Center

Mon. May 14: 7pm, Grove Elementary Gym

Thurs. May 17: 9:30am, Station Library





Learning NOW in Barrington 220 is an online video series highlighting how our students learn. Each episode will focus on one topic and feature discussions with students from across different grade levels. The series aims to create a better understanding in the Barrington area community about how the classroom environment has changed, with the addition of a technology device in the hands of every student. To watch the latest episode, click here.