BCFPD Launches Complimentary Residential Knoxbox Lending Program
- Posted by Barrington Hills
- On January 19, 2021
Maximum Six-Month Loan Period Designed to Give Residents Piece-of-Mind
More than 600 residential and commercial properties within the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District’s 48-square mile jurisdiction are equipped with KnoxBox™ systems that help emergency responders quickly enter a home or commercial business and administer live-saving medical assistance.
However, the cost of these units – tamper-proof steel boxes installed near a property’s front entrance that hold entry keys or access cards – may be prohibitive to some residents.
In response, the BCFPD has launched a program that offers temporary use of a KnoxBox at no charge for a period of up to six months. It is designed specifically for residents with underlying health conditions or those undergoing medical care who may require more frequent calls for medical assistance by BCFPD firefighters/paramedics.
Deliver Life-Saving Assistance More Rapidly
“The District’s KnoxBox Lending Program is intended to bring peace-of-mind to residents who are concerned about their ability to answer the door for responding paramedics during a medical emergency,” explained Rob Martel, Director of Fire Prevention.
“Patients in distress may be incapacitated, and a locked door represents an additional challenge that firefighters must overcome. A KnoxBox helps our crews deliver potentially life-saving assistance more quickly in these situations,” he added.
KnoxBox units available through the BCFPD program mount over a home’s front door (see photo). No installation is required. Responding firefighters carry a master key that opens the unit.
Faster Response = Improved Service
Reducing response times by even a few minutes significantly improves firefighters’ ability to provide effective emergency assistance. Studies repeatedly indicate that the survival rate of emergency medical care patients decreases significantly if treatment is not administered within six to eight minutes.
Request a KnoxBox
Residents who would like to request a KnoxBox through the BCFPD’s loan program may contact Director Martel (rmartel@bcfpd.us or 224-848-4860) to schedule a discussion of their specific needs. All District residents are eligible for the program. Supplies are limited.
At a Glance: KnoxBox Advantages
- Rapid Access – Eliminate barriers and help emergency responders quickly gain access to secured properties in situations where rapid response is a critical factor in successful outcomes.
- Protection – Quick access by first responders also helps reduce the risk of extensive (and expensive) property damage.
- Low Maintenance – KnoxBoxes are designed/built to withstand extreme weather conditions, tampering, and attempted vandalism.
- Security – Only the Fire Department has the authority to access a property’s KnoxBox.
About the BCFPD
Established in 1940, the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District serves portions of Barrington Hills, South Barrington, Lake Barrington and Inverness; and portions of unincorporated Cook, Lake and McHenry Counties. BCFPD services are strengthened through a series of automatic aid agreements and partnerships with surrounding fire departments and fire districts.
The Board of Trustees meets the third Monday of each month*, 6:30 p.m., at the District’s Lake Barrington headquarters, 22222 N. Pepper Road. For more information on BCFPD operations, activities and events, call 224-848-4800, visit www.bcfpd.org, or access the Department’s Facebook page.
*The Board’s January 2021 meeting will be held the fourth Monday (January 25th).