InZone Update

  • Posted by Barrington Hills
  • On July 21, 2020

The Village has received multiple requests, concerns and comments regarding InZone and the property occupied by Terrance Wallace.  The Village is in the process of investigating the proposed use and is gathering additional information regarding any such use.  

The Village has retained special counsel, Ancel Glink, to assist with the InZone inquiry as well as pending zoning applications for approval of non-residential uses.  The Village’s counsel has been in contact with Mr. Wallace and is attempting to schedule a meeting to discuss InZone’s proposed uses.  An initial meeting was scheduled with Mr. Wallace to review his proposed use of the property.  However, Mr. Wallace requested that the meeting be cancelled.  The Village’s counsel will continue its efforts to meet with Mr. Wallace to obtain additional information to evaluate the proposed use of the property under the applicable local ordinances including but not limited to the building codes, safety codes, and zoning codes.  All properties in the Village must adhere to the Village Code.