October 15 – 2020Census Last Day to Respond

  • Posted by Barrington Hills
  • On October 14, 2020
October 15 is the LAST DAY to #BeCounted2020. Your response affects the next 10 YEARS! Respond to the #2020Census today!
#BeRepresented at the State and Federal level.
#BE the reason your community received its share of federal funding for infrastructure, schools, and first responders.
Internet self-response will be available across the nation through October 15, 2020 (through 4:59 AM Central Standard Time on October 16, 2020). Visit 2020Census.gov to respond today.
Phone response will be available for its regularly scheduled time on October 15, 2020. Visit 2020census.gov for a schedule and a list of numbers.
Paper responses must be postmarked by October 15, 2020. Nonresponse followup census takers will continue resolving nonresponding addresses through the end of the day on October 15, 2020.