Pollinator Plants Available at Village Hall

Pollinator Plants Available at Village Hall

  • Posted by Barrington Hills
  • On June 30, 2020

In support of Pollinator Week and the Bee City USA initiative, the Village of Barrington Hills’ Environment Committee has organized a give-away of five different pollinator plants which will provide food for bees and other pollinators. This grouping was selected to provide flowers from Spring through Fall and is intended for part to full sun in mesic soil. This colorful group of plants provide yellow, red blue and purple floral colors. Typical height is from 3-4 ft.

Please take one of each species which are available on a first-come, first-served basis outside the Public Works building. An informational handout detailing the plants is available. Please take one 👍


What’s included?

Aster cordifolius

Heart-Leaved Asters are usually found in part shade conditions, such as woodland edges and openings.  Plants produce dense clusters of abundant light blue to light purple flowers.  As with all asters, they bloom late summer to early fall, last for about 1 to 2 months, and attract a wide range of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators looking for their last bit of nectar and pollen for the season.  Plant height can be reduced by trimming back in late May to early June.




Aquilegia Canadensis

An interesting addition to any landscape, this plant is unique in the appearance of both its foliage and its flowers.  Foliage is 3-lobed and matte-like and grows in a bush-like habit.  With reddish-pink sepals and bright yellow stamens and anthers, the hanging flowers have the appearance of little lanterns glowing in the landscape.  Not only a joy for humans, these beautiful flowers attract many pollinators, including bees and hummingbirds




Zizea Aurea

Golden Alexanders produce bright yellow, large umbels of flowers that bloom late spring to early summer and last about a month.  This plant is quite common in our region of Illinois.  Plants can reseed heavily under ideal conditions, so deadheading is encouraged.  Flowers are visited by a range of bees and butterflies enjoying the early source of pollen and nectar. 





Coreopsis Ianceolate 

Sand Coreopsis, also known as Lanceleaf Tickseed, has abundant, large yellow flowers that bloom from late May through July.  Although this plant prefers sandy prairies, it grows well in regular garden soil if well-drained.  Sand Coreopsis will self-seed, but this can be controlled by deadheading. 





Monardo Fistulosa

Wild bergamot is a clump-forming, mint family member that grows 2-4″ tall.  Flowers are lavender in color, sit solitary on top of each stem, and are attractive to bees and butterflies.  This plant tolerates somewhat poor soils and some drought but needs good circulation. Deadhead flowers to prolong summer bloom.  Tends to self-seed.  The aromatic, grayish-green leaves may be used in teas.