Thank you, Barrington Hills Fall Fest 2022

Thank you, Barrington Hills Fall Fest 2022

  • Posted by Barrington Hills
  • On September 27, 2022

The ushering in of autumn has definitely come with a drop in temperatures.  But you wouldn’t know it from the remaining warmth in the hearts of all those who attended this year’s Barrington Hills Fall Into Fun Festival!  Travel blanket raffle winners have come to Village Hall to claim their prizes and shared their exuberant stories of the great time they had at this year’s Barrington Hills Fall Into Fun Festival!

George Tarulis

Stories of favorite activities, the great food, and the joy shared among families and friends abound.

George Tarulis was excited to learn he was a raffle winner. “This was the perfect day to wear this shirt,” he said when claiming his prize, referring to his “Be good to people” T-shirt.  He’s been attending the Hills’ Fall Fest since its inception in 2013. “We had a great time! I have twins that attend the (Barrington) High School. I used to bring them when they were kids but they looked forward to coming and they had a great time,” he shared with enthusiasm.


The Fest had something to offer everyone: from the very young to the young at heart. “It felt like I was in the Hills for sure,” said resident Aimee Angelos.  Residents shared their stories of awe in seeing the Stateline Spitfires Drill team performance, experiencing the Living Horse Museum, and participating in the many interactive animal attractions.

From the point of check-in, fest-goers were greeted with activities and exhibitor’s tables. Magic by Mark was a showstopper and thankfully, he didn’t make any visitors disappear! 

Barrington Hills’ First Responders always draw a crowd. No one could pass up the games and toys, or the chance to tour the emergency vehicles and sit in the driver’s seat which made for great photo ops! Thank you Barrington Hills Police Department, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District and QuadCom 9-1-1 for participating in this memorable event!

Pups for adoption at Border Tails Rescue


Moretti’s and Primo’s Pizza accompanied by a Wild Onion Premium Brew served by the Barrington Lions Club were all a definite crowd pleaser!


The fest was a certain success, but no truer words could be said of Rocky Road and Dallin, two dogs that were up for adoption at the Border Tails Rescue tent. These loving animals found their forever home with residents Wayne and Lou. Glad we were able to help!

The Village is grateful for the many organizations and non-profits that chose to participate in this year’s fest:

4-H Club BStrong Together Barrington Area Conservation Trust
Barrington rea Volunteer Connection Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District Barrington Hills Park District
Barrington Hills Police Department Barrington Lions Club Border Tails Rescue
ChiroOne Wellness Centers Citizens for Conservation ComEd
Flint Creek/Spring Creek Watershed Partnership Mane in Heaven Therapy Horses Riding Club of Barrington Hills
Schaumburg Monarch Initiative SOUL Harbour Ranch Therapy The Home Depot Palatine
QuadCom 9-1-1 YogaSix Barrington  

We are especially thankful for the behind-the-scenes benefactors without whose support this fest would not have been made possible:

Angel Water, Inc. Avant-Gardenscapes Bob Lee
Bond Dickson and Conway Fairway Golf Cars JB Enterprises Landscape
Long & Co. Jewelers LRS Mac’s Property Management Services
Moretti’s Restaurants Primo Pizzeria Ringers Landscape Services
The Heidner Family Trotter and Associates Urban Forest Management
  Wickstrom Auto Group  

We are grateful for the dedicated performers that return year after year to entertain our residents:

Glowby the Bubbler Scales n Tales Traveling Animal Zoo Sons of Bildor

And we welcome our new entertainers:

Creative Face Painting: Magic by Mark Sparky the Fire Dog
Stateline Spitfires Drill Team Sunshine Farms  

We especially thank YOU–our residents, friends and neighbors–who come year after year or who have experienced your first Barrington Hills Fall Fest in support of your community.  Everyone, together, made for a joyous festival. See you September 2023! 

Fest Photos: BH Fall Into Fun 2022