BCFPD Hosts Community Blood Drive
- Posted by Barrington Hills
- On March 9, 2022
This weekend’s community blood drive hosted by the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District (BCFPD) will help replenish depleted supplies of life-saving blood, plasma, and other blood products used by hospitals, paramedics, and area healthcare providers.
The event, co-sponsored by Vitalant, will take place Saturday, March 12th, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, at BCFPD Station 38 (22222 N Pepper Road, Lake Barrington).
To schedule an appointment, call 877-258-4825 or visit www.vitalant.org (use group code ORD0763A). Walk-ins are welcome. All donors must wear face coverings.
Community members planning to give blood on March 12th should prepare accordingly:
- Enjoy a healthy, low-fat meal within two hours of your donation time. Eat a salty snack the day before your appointment to help maintain healthy blood pressure (your body loses salt during blood donation).
- Stay hydrated by drinking 8 – 16 ounces of water one hour before you donate.
- Avoid or limit caffeinated sodas, coffee, tea, or energy drinks on the day of your donation.
Did You Know?
- One unit of donated blood can help up to three people.
- There is a constant, critical need for new donations. The shelf life for donated blood products is limited – ranging from five days (platelets) to one year (plasma).
- Nearly 40% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, but fewer than 10% do so.
- Blood cannot be manufactured. It is only available through donor generosity.
Sources: BCFPD, Vitalant, American Red Cross
For more information on BCFPD operations and activities, visit their website (www.bcfpd.org), call
224-848-4800, or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.